Silvia Naddeo






Mosaic-multimedia installation


Smalti, vitreous pastes, marbles, vitroceramics


MyPanino is an artwork that forms in the hands of the observer: an example of dynamic art that contrasts with the sense of static nature we are accustomed to in an art form like mosaic.

MyPanino offers the chance to interact with a piece of art by making it one's own, without the result of this interaction being an end in itself. The connection between the artwork and social networks allows users to share their creations and follow their transformation through the website and the same social platforms.

Everyone can take a photo of themselves along with their creation using the integrated button in the artwork's display. The photos are immediately uploaded to the site for viewing and resharing. MyPanino can also be photographed or filmed with one's own mobile device (smartphone or tablet) and shared on various social networks (Instagram, Facebook, X, and Threads), adding the hashtag #mypanino.




  • 2023-2024, "Turbolenta - Mostra multisensoriale che indaga gli approcci della società verso il cibo e l’alimentazione." solo exhibition, curated by Sara Andruccioli and Paolo Trioschi, at the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art Villa Franceschi in Riccione (RN).
  • 2016, "Trasfigurazioni del gusto" solo exhibition, curated by Raffaele Quattrone in collaboration with the Regnoli 41 association and the Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì Foundation - At the Palazzo del Monte di Pietà in Forlì (FC);
  • 2013, International Mosaic Festival, within GAEM, second international prize for Young Artists and Mosaic, at the M.A.R. Art Museum of the city of Ravenna (RA).